
Do A Doubletake



3 Years
Extra large
11-07-2017, 12:46 AM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2017, 12:48 AM by Asharya.)

Asharya saw Ashiel dive out towards a jumble of rocks as she herself darted past it. Coward! she thought to herself, more amused than angry at her brother ducking out of this one. She would concede that while it was fair, seeing as she had started it, sibling law dictated that she still get him back for it later. Oh well, now was probably NOT the best time to be thinking about it, because that quick glance over her shoulder told her that Malleus had not been fooled either, and he was gaining fast.

She cursed her useless, young body. Ugh! She could retch all day about the joys of youth and time she'll never get back, blah blah blah! She wanted to be strong like her mother and aunts, and definitely faster than her cousin. Hot breath at her heels and a deft swipe of his paw was all it took to send the young, smoldering fae nose over tail, tumbling out across the beach. She skid to a stop against the heaping, putrid carcass of some long dead sea mammal with a squelch.

In a vain attempt to scramble to her feet, Asharya felt her hind paws step in something distinctly moist and slick, which filled the voids between her toes and caused the bile to rise in her throat. Her hindquarters seemed to dart out from underneath her and she fell once again, with about as much aplomb as the first tumble. "I give, I give! You got me. Nice knowin' ya, Ashi," she wheezed from her place on the ground. Festering whale juices leeched into her fur from where she lay in a heap on the rocky shore, defeated. She couldn't bring herself to care. "I am vanquished. Vanquished!" She flung a paw up to cover her face. Well, you could never say she was one to shirk dramatics, if the need arose. Frankly, the sooner he put her out of her misery the sooner she could get this stench out of her nostrils.

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox