
[Aw]We are ready for the showdown



3 Years
11-07-2017, 03:09 PM

Where was everyone? Damn, she'd been wandering for a long ass time looking for them. Now, she was all the way in the hot ass southern territories of the continent. On the breeze, she caught her sire's scent. Mingled with blood and death. Then, the faint stink of her baby brother. A low song, coming from her sire, echoed into her ears. Crimson gaze narrowed, a snarl forming on her lips. Drawing her tongue between her fangs, she stormed after the smell. Who would dare cross their family? Someone was going to die today.

The sight was gruesome.

Her father sat dejectedly over the pale body of Belphegor. His ribs were gleaming white from amidst the violence of his tattered pelt and slimy guts. His face had been torn away, and his mask was missing. The shredded tissue of his heart lay on the ground nearby. Michael had done this. His stink was all over the place.
He had pissed all over Belly's body. "I will destroy him." She growled. A promise as much as it was a threat.

Belphegor had been her favourite. He was the most tolerable, simply because he was the laziest bastard out of the bunch. He didn't care if she chewed on his ears as a child, and he didn't care if she knocked him on his ass when they were grown. He didn't deserve this. She prayed that he was munching on everything in the afterlife, without a care in the world. Michael would pay dearly for what he had done to her brother.

"Gabriel too." She said, staring her sire down. She didn't care how much he liked that one, the blind one had taken part. There was no way someone who loved her sire would do this to him. So, Gabriel would die too. Just as slow as Michael would.


Sathanus is an asshole with no morals who loves getting into fights. Plz know that Denny loves you and Sath's acts are nothing against you (the player) <3