
Every scar will build my throne[gabe]

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
11-07-2017, 03:44 PM


ooc. pp is approved of by me <3

Anger rolled from Michael in waves. All at once the herald recalled his vow to destroy him. Lord, what had he done? "Our lord father would be proud that a demon has been cleansed from this heathen land, that it can no longer spread the Demon King's gospel and lies. Unlike you I have cleansed the demon I have come across. You leave him to sully this land, share tongues with him, even to touch you as if he is not a demon. As if he is your lover. Disgusting." No, no, no, this was all wrong. Gabriel was no sinner. He did not lay with men, despite his desires. He recognized that he was wrong, dirty, to think these things. He did not lay with Samael, either. He could hear Michael snapping his teeth, fair shaking with rage.

The cry of their Fallen brother reached them. What had Michael done to the child's body? What parts of the child lay here, in a muddied heap? "That's it Lucifer, come to me. The final piece is here now." Michael said, filled with bravado. Wrath is a sin. The male snarled, fearless of anything that may transpire here. "I do not understand, Michael." Gabriel said warily, training his ears on his brother's movements. The soft thump of his paws directed him to pivot a little to keep himself facing the enraged sword of their Father. With yet another snarl, this time filled with deadly intent, he felt the smaller form of his brother collide with him.

Teeth scraped against the bones of his skull. It burned like holy fire. He was being cleansed of his sins. Two paws collided with his body, and he let them direct him. The titanic form of the herald met the terra with a sickening thud. The right side of his face burned, wept blood freely. He squeezed his sightless eyes closed, auds pressed tight to his skull. "Please stop!" He cried, but did not struggle or fight back. Doing so would only enrage his brother further. As well, he knew he deserved his brother's wrath. Perhaps their father had decreed this, and hadn't wanted Gabriel to know.


Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.