
Every scar will build my throne[gabe]



6 Years
11-07-2017, 04:44 PM
His bite landed and Michael was pleased with himself. His paws pushed the herald over and he knew the man wasn't going to fight back. Fine by him. This punishment was well deserved by Gabriel. His paw sought to place itself on the herald's neck behind his skull. It was there to pin him there, to hold him from removing himself from the swords punishment. His fangs sought to bite into his muzzle, to carve scars along it. He would now be forced to outwardly bear the sin he was accused of. Lucifer would not shield him this time. 

"I will purge the demons from you. You will no longer know lust for that which taints you." He of course was also forcing Gabriel to tell their father what he had done to deserve such ire from Michael. Their lord would purge Gabriel of his name and fell him as he had done Lucifer. He bit down into Gabriel's Cheek, ripping skin from bone. He dragged his fangs down from there into Gabriel's neck. He was removing fur and flesh all the while. Flaying his brother like he was some sort of rabbit. His blood tainted the air and until it was all that Michael could smell he did not stop. There was flesh hanging in places but they weren't as bad as where Michael had peeled the flesh from his brother's face. 

As he finished his task he released his brother and stepped off. He stood for a moment admiring his work and spitting out the herald's flesh and fur. The scarring to his face would be severe and this would be a lesson he would not likely forget. "Do not weep. You are cleansed of the sin. Lucifer will have no hold upon you any longer. Now it is time I purge him from this world." he spoke this without looking at Gabriel. His paws carried him away, towards where the body he had left lay, towards where Lucifer had sounded from. 

-exit unless stopped by Gabriel-