
Every scar will build my throne[gabe]

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
11-07-2017, 05:04 PM


Hellfire could not have singed his nerves as this brutality did. Agony made itself known in the bones of his jaw and face, thrummed in his neck. He tasted the coppery tang of his own blood. Tears were flowing freely down his cheeks, but he refused to fight back. He did not want to earn his brother's ire any longer, he prayed this would redeem him in his brother's eyes. "I will purge the demons from you. You will no longer know lust for that which taints you." Michael all but crooned in his ear, the patter of his own blood upon his fur echoing far too loud in his ears. A low groan started in his chest, came from his parted jaws as a wheeze. He couldn't move to say anything. It all hurt too much. Breath came in short pants, laboured by the weight of his brother on his neck.

It all got so much worse. The muscles of his cheek felt the wrath of Michael, and the flesh was torn away under his eye. If he wasn't already blind, this would have been horrific to watch. Where were his limbs? He couldn't feel anything except the pain in his face. The wet flap of his own skin being pulled away from his face. Sanguine fluid dripped from the space far too close to his throat. He wept openly now, crying out brokenly for the Lord to save him. He couldn't bear it any longer. The pain became a sharp sting as Michael ceased, stepped off of his neck. The herald gasped for air, head fuzzy. Michael spat, and Gabriel knew that his flesh fell from his brother's jaws now.

"Do not weep. You are cleansed of the sin. Lucifer will have no hold upon you any longer. Now it is time I purge him from this world." His words fell upon deaf ears. He couldn't think anymore, it hurt too much. He was tired. So tired. A soft whimper was all he dared utter. Michael's pawsteps faded away, and he was gone.

The ground was unbearably hot. His skin was on fire. He needed to get up. This was only going to get worse. He needed to find someone who could help him. Spider. He would go find Spider. The male knew herbs, and he could make all of this better. Weak and shaking limbs slowly rearranged themselves beneath his bulk. Panting with the exertion of it, he waited until the dizziness faded. Come on, Gabriel. He thought to himself, forcing his muscles to lift him off the ground. It was damp with his own blood where his forepaws stood. One step. Another. It got easier for his limbs to remember how to walk.

.:Gabriel -- Exitus:.


Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.