


11-07-2017, 07:04 PM
Uriel bit her lip. That wasn’t quite what she had meant. Did she even know what she meant? “You don’t understand…” She fought, trying to find her words, but Uriel had never been much of a fighter. “...It’s not just your happiness I worry about.” There, that was something. A sign that she was unhappy with how things currently stood… but what could she, the delicate angel, do to solve them? She didn’t meet her brother’s gaze. “It’s not about what one could offer, brother… It has never been about that. Our Lord Father has taught us to walk in the light, to do what’s right…”  She gave a whine.

She knew that if she did choose to walk with Samael, to abandon the rest of their family, things were still going to be hard. She couldn’t walk with a paw in both worlds either… one day she was going to have to choose… and that upset it. It hurt her in a way that had never hurt her before. Uriel felt tears prick at her eyes, swallowing hard. “I just want my family… my whole family…” She felt her voice crack. “I don’t want us to fight, brother… please, isn’t there some other way?”

She canted her head to the side as he gave the explanation, taking it all in. So their Father… was jealous? He was hurting so in turn he hurt… Samael? And her brother had so much love… love that he had to share it with more than one? Maybe their other siblings would see it as Samael being a scumbag… but to the naive Uriel she saw it as true devotion. To have that much love in one’s heart for not just one, but two others… Only to have Abba find out… and then lash out.

“So our Father was hurt… because you found those you loved…  He wasn’t the only one anymore… Brother, if that’s the case what if he does the same thing when one of those who remains finds love? What makes you so different?” The tears were streaming down her face.

“It isn’t right.” Uriel closed her eyes, but the tears kept coming.

“If… If Father was wrong to do what he did… then who is to say what he says is right?” Her words were incredibly soft, barely a whisper, and held more confusion than before.

“Brother... Tell me there is some way we can change this… maybe our Father will listen to reason… please…” Though she was naive, Uriel was more perceptive than she gave herself credit for. But even as she said those words the girl cringed, remembering what their Father had told them… what he had always told them.

She took a step back, furrowing her brow. “But… why would he do this?” It seemed like the poor thing was confusing herself more with the information she held. “He’s supposed to love us...right? He created us…” Uriel let out another whimper. “Doesn’t he realize he’s hurting his family more by having us… turn on you? Are all… all our siblings… surely they can’t hate you… Surely there must be an ally somewhere, Sa--” She cut herself off, squeezing her eyes closed.

“Forgive me…”