
Lirika x Samael


11-07-2017, 07:45 PM

[Modified to have the teeth of the skull mask.]

OOC Name: Keno
Character Name: Ælfwig
AGAB: Male
Gender: Male
Appearance: 42-45" {Not sure on exact height yet. ;w; But I will be getting him some sort of additional height if I get him.}

Ælfy is a child whom is born bordering on small, perhaps to the surprise of his parents. He won't have developed very much in the womb, being more delicate his first three months or so of life. It is then, as he continues to age, that this boy begins to grow in both height and width, filling quickly in a series of growth spurts. He’ll grow longer limbs, giving him a decent amount of height to stand above most of the world. His build will take on a more stocky and beefy look, definitely more of a tank in battle than a fast paced creature. He’ll be built to endure, to take hits and potentially dish out powerful blows.

Ælfwig’s base coat is an off-white, something that shimmers almost silver in the pale light of the moon. Like his sire he bears skin that is off-colored, blue, though his own is a darker and more muted shade. Upon his face, much like his father, he bears an ebony skull-like mask, though set above his orange eyes are a splash of faded red. This same color marks the saddle of his back, along with a shade of ebony, and twice upon his tail with the ebony. His paws are all ebony too, though only the front have the backs reaching up towards his elbows in the same shade.

The most striking thing about about Ælf is of course his orange gaze. They burn as if live coals, a hint of red at the center. His smile too, despite his size, is more like that of a friendly giant, something that is aided by more rounded features instead of sharper, chiseled ones.


Ælfwig is, first and foremost, born to be a gentleman. He is calm, even during the darkest situations, keeping a level head about his shoulders. His is a heart that is warm, accepting of all who are similar, different, and that in between. He is kind, cheerful, and one who is ready to help out friends and family without a second thought. He is selfless in that way. He will ALWAYS put his family before himself, shielding them and protecting them best he can while also making sure to give them their space for fun.

Like his father Ælfy is a confident young man, though not overly so. If anything he falls onto his strong will in order to make sure that he does not only what he wants but what is needed as well. He pushes himself, trying to break his own personal boundaries and do more. Ælfwig, while he is not necessarily one to covet power or authority, is a wolf who wants to give nothing less than his very best and then some. In fact, when it comes to most forms of authority Ælfy doesn’t care much for them at all…

Nor does this male share a view that Gods watch over them. He believes in what he can see, what he can feel, and politely expresses this to others. He doesn’t want your opinions shoved down his throat, though he doesn’t mind if you have them. He can be firm when needed too, not the sort to let himself be walked all over. But just because he knows when to be firm and serious doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to have fun himself. In the end, as long as everyone interacts in a decent way, they won’t have any issues with this young wolf.

Roleplay Sample:

It was one of their first outings from the den. Their mother had made it clear that they were to stay close, which Ælfwig was willing to do. So long as he could explore he was happy to listen to her, even if he decided he didn’t like being told what to do. But she was his mother… what else could he do? A deep breath of cold, crisp air was breathed into his young lungs, orange gaze sweeping across the frost bitten landscape. His ears perked, a paw taking a slow step forward.

His siblings had both left the den before him, not that Ælfy minded. He wanted to take things at his own pace… and why rush? There was still so much to see! He glanced over his shoulder, sure that their mother would be watching them to make sure they didn’t get into any trouble. With a smile on his face Ælfwig padded forth, heading to his favorite spot away from the den. It was a stump, a stump that he proudly climbed and sat upon.

It felt as though he could see the world from that stump. He closed his eyes, imagining those that he might meet as he grew older. He was excited to meet strangers and make friends. He wanted to see what his family could do… and he wanted to test himself. To break beyond his current capabilities and strive to be endlessly better.

But for now it was just a boy and his stump…

...and that was okay.