
The Same old Song and Dance


07-02-2013, 08:57 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Deneke!

Time passed slowly for the ivory maiden as she watched the killing blow, delivered by her partner with perfect timing. A whispered thanks for the ungulate giving it's life fluttered briefly to her ears, followed by the spurting of sanguine wine from the creatures throat as Song's jaws snapped shut. Aurora licked her ebony lips, prowling forward and whispering prayers to the Earth Mother, the Moon Goddess, and the Spirit of the Deer for offering them this prey. As she got closer, the scent of blood filled her nose, her infinite mind clouding with bloodlust and hunger, sending her into a frenzy. Lethal jaws lunged into the animals stomach, ripping it open without a hitch and tearing flesh, crunching bones without really savouring the animal. Her conscience took over, and she stopped short, jaws crunching through a thick bone. Marrow streamed over her lower jaw, dripping from her flawless fur and onto the snow. She dropped the chunks of bone from her powerful jaws, looking sheepishly up at her pearl coloured partner as she backed away from the decimated carcass. "I apologize, I lost control there." She mumbled, voice soft, cracking on the world 'control', as she looked at the ground for a second with her moonstone orbs, shame making her eyes prickle with hot tears. "We should probably bring whatever's left back to the pack... Shouldn't we?" She asked, as unsure as she was embarrassed. Her voice was as soft as she was shaky, moving fluidly to sit on her haunches as a coverup. She began to clean her bloody paws, chewing off a sliver of enamel that was splitting from her black claws. Once her paws were white again, she worked her long salmon tongue over her jowls until they also were the same ivory as the rest of her body. Then she waited for an answer from her partner with her tail around her paws, patient and statue-like.
