
Feel The Thunder



4 Years
11-08-2017, 06:37 PM

Naudir's head snapped to the side as a voice spoke of family, her family. She eyed the older male for a moment, trying to place him but nothing came to mind. As far as she knew she had never met this man. Did he think himself a child of Odin as well perhaps? "I do not know you stranger. Why do you throw out connections of family so freely?" He spoke his name but again it did nothing to stir connections of family though she did recognize the connection to Imperium. "I know of Valentine Imperialis, ruler of Imperium, but he is no relation of mine. If you wish we can discuss this matter at a later date." She turned her attention back to the meeting. That was the topic and the matter at hand and she didn't not wish to be distracted. When all the wolves had gathered the young leader spoke.

Naudir listened with patient interest as the boy told his tale. She gave him points for acknowledging his weaknesses but it still did not lessen his inexperience, especially that he would simply entrust them to decide among themselves who would be his council. Was this an honest gesture or did he already have 3 wolves in mind and wanted and this decision merely a farce? Naudir decided she would play along. Perhaps the young alpha would grow on her and she would have a chance to share her own hard-earned wisdom. If anything else it would allow her to keep an eye on the lands of Yfir and to make sure that their sacred and burial sites remained undisturbed. A little extra power would help with that.

Two wolves spoke up to offer their services and Naudir stepped forward as well. "Your line of thinking is familiar to me. I was originally a member of Yfir and while our heirs could be blood related to the alphas, the rank of 'heir' was available to the most qualified of the yearlings regardless of blood. Your tactics are unusual and you've piqued my curiosity. Allow me to offer my own wisdom to your council. Yfir has long since disbanded but you are settling on terrain that was once my home. I know it well. In addition I am well-travelled, particularly in the north and my companions, Branwen and Balthazaar, were once the companions of Inga, our wise woman. They have much knowledge and wisdom to share if needed." Of course she would have no problem proving herself either. For the moment she kept her connection to the gods silent. She wished to glean more of this young alpha before entrusting him with her gift.