
Feel The Thunder



4 Years
Extra large
11-09-2017, 07:14 PM

Artemis had been hanging back. And by hanging back, she supposed it would more accurately be called straight up hiding. She was pressed flat, her belly to the ground and her ears pinned flat. Hell, have you seen her coat? She had learned long ago that stealth came with a few extra challenges for her and her kin. It was difficult to catch every word being said, so creeping a bit closer seemed necessary. She was no fool, she knew the call for a pack's gathering when she heard one. The wolves had trickled in from every corner of the country, and she had eyed as many of them as she was able to. Unfortunately, at the distance she sat, it was nearly impossible.

She sighed and stood, shaking debris from her luxurious coat. She could always decline if it didn't seem to suit her, right? Since the disbandment of Crew, she had wandered without purpose. Her only real goal had been trying to keep track of Iskra, but she may as well have attempted to capture smoke. As for Leto, she'd seen not a trace. But the life of a loner was not necessarily one that Artemis felt suited her. She didn't mind being on her own, far from it. She only felt there was something missing from life without friends or family near at hand. Besides, she was growing older, and perhaps it was time to curb her more adventurous urges for the sake of something more... solid.

Well, she could at least give it a shot. Again.

She came to the scene just as a strong, dark coated male began giving a speech of sorts. Born a bastard, who'd always felt the urge to lead. Fair enough, Artemis didn't care a lick about someones birthright. He went on to tell them that he believed in utilizing someones strengths, and ensuring they are to become as powerful and capable as they were born to be. She pursed her lips, allowing the words to sink in. Well enough, then. Ever the impulsive fae, her mind was made up. "You're a stranger to me," she began, voice filled with the sultry kind of confidence she'd come to cultivate within herself. "I don't care about that, honestly. You promise to allow wolves to fill the role they are best designed for. Don't let my coat fool you, I've felled plenty of prey that never saw me coming. I'll rip a wolf to shreds just as easily." She let her molten silver eyes scan the crowd. She was content with who she saw there, if they were to be her future packmates, not that she would admit it outright. She pretended to be unimpressed. "I'll join your ranks as well, if you'll have me."

It wasn't much of a speech, but she hadn't planned it to be. The understanding of character and ability would not be decided in a night, she knew that much. The future would help them unfurl who would and would not be capable of their asserted skills. Artemis was confident in hers, so all that remained was to wait. She looked over the crowd a second time, wondering who else might have ought to say. An ember of excitement began to burn it's way through her, starting from her stomach and working its way out to her limbs.

"Talk" "You" Think
Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!