
Peering through the Fog



3 Years
Extra large
11-09-2017, 07:45 PM

The woman in the muck continued to struggle, causing Asharya to grow a little uneasy. Maybe she had pushed her bluff too far. She flicked her gaze quickly between Aranea and her mother, find herself a bit queasy. Her mother already claimed that she didn't think the younger fae was being truthful. If the smaller, grey and white fae ratted her out entirely Pyralis would probably get pretty mad... Asha gulped. Maybe a diversion was in order... Well, regardless of the woman's answer, it was not use letting a perfectly good potential slave get sucked up by tar. She was definitely no good to any of them then.

Kanja, as introduced by her mother, approached and murmured to the woman. Asharya thought for a moment the stranger was going to pull the woman free, but instead she returned to them with a suggestion. Perhaps this woman, who could not navigate her way out of a single pool of ick was supposed to guide them trough the fog, and past countless others? Okay, that Asharya definitely wanted to see. "Sounds like a good show, if anything," she murmured, uncertain whether her mother or Kanja would hear her. Louder, she said, "Well, no use letting a perfectly good homing pigeon go to waste, right?" Asharya came to stand at the edge of the pool, on Aranea's right side. The cusp of the pool extended just a hair farther than it's left side, so it seemed her best best. Her claws scraped against stone as she curled her toes over the edge, trying to find the best grip she could. If she tumbled face first into the tar, Pyralis would definitely never let her forget it. Actually, at that point, Asha figured she would rather just drown.

Asharya extended her neck as far as it would go, latching her teeth firmly into the woman's scruff. The skin there was lose, and had less feeling in it, or at least that was the part Asha hoped she was grabbing. She latched in her teeth and planted her feet, pulling backwards as hard as she could, hoping to pull the woman free. She might have been much smaller than Asha herself, but the young fae lacked the muscle a mature wolf had, and struggled all the same. Her paws scrabbled against the hard ground and she tried to wrench the woman free.

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox