
Turn Up The Heat



4 Years
Extra large
11-09-2017, 08:04 PM

Artemis was alerted to the arrival of a stranger by a shift of the wind. She could smell him on the wind long before she could see him, and with the stranger's arrival something in her stomach flipped. Shit... She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath of crisp air, trying to flush the uncomfortable heat out of her bloodstream. It was, unfortunately, to no avail. She opened her eyes and turned to find that her newest companion had arrived, and was eyeing her with the slackjaw sort of look some wolves got on their face when they first caught sight of her. She was pretty sure her scent wasn't helping the matters.

Although not quite so... insistent as Iskra, Artemis was no less of a flirt. It was a curse, perhaps, or maybe a side effect of her overflowing well of confidence... Or was it arrogance? Either way, the words that came forth from the male's mouth were enough to flip her stomach right back over. So that's the way it was going to be, hmm? Artemis could play that game, and play it most happily. She hummed out a pleased little purr before responding. "And it's not every day I stumble across a man so well mannered..." She took a few steps closer, allowing her hips to sashay a bit as she did so. "Or so handsome," she tacked on, pleasantly surprised, allowing it to show in her voice.

Gods, the man was a monster. He was tall and corded with muscle, and it was not an exaggeration to call him handsome either. Oh yes, he would do nicely. "Surely a gentleman such as yourself has a name fitting his countenance?" She could not deny that he held himself with a bit of a regal air. He did not have the scent of pack on him, but Artemis doubted that she did either. Was he a member of Dauntless? Eh, that was a matter for another time, and certainly not the question held in the forefront of her mind. Artemis stopped her approach only once she was edging into the male's space, breathing his scent in deeply and allowing hers to rush over him in turn.

"Talk" "You" Think
Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!