
Making Things Homey



4 Years
Extra large
11-09-2017, 09:47 PM

Artemis had spent days hunting for just the right den. The mountain offered her no ends of choice, and she had scoured every crag, ridge, and valley on offer to her. She had spent enough time among jagged peaks to know that rockslides were frequent enough to be a matter of concern, so she would stick to the tree line. The peaks were already coated in snow, and she was certain it would press into the valleys before long, so avalanches were another concern. She kept an eye out for swaths of felled trees. In the spring the valley would likely flood, so no where too low until she saw how the melt went in the spring or early summer. If she felt the need to move then, she could. For now? She sought perfection.

Artemis believed she had found it in an unassuming cleft in the mountain's side. It's entrance was manned by a long, flat piece of rock ideal for sunning herself in whatever sparse sunlight might come their way. The entrance was well guarded by an ancient slab of rock which must have fallen into place long ago. The cavern behind expanded into a spacious, simple cave. It was small enough to retain heat in the winter, though large enough that a bear might have been able to sprawl about unhindered. Thinking of that, she made a note to mark it well, to deter unwanted neighbors from introducing themselves.

Content with her find, Artemis sprawled out on the stone slab at her den's entrance. It was a beautiful day, one of the rare few that had seen the fog depart to only the lowest reaches of the valleys below. The clouds were sparse, and the horizon foretold that the break in weather would not last, but for the moment she wanted to enjoy it. She could only wonder if any of her new pack mates were about to enjoy it with her. She wanted to get to know them... and to let them know that this particular bit of mountain side was claimed.

"Talk" "You" Think
Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!