



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
11-09-2017, 10:34 PM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2017, 10:35 PM by Kairi.)

Her mom had been gone for a long time. The girl was beginning to feel sad, something she wasn't very familiar with. Her father and brothers were around, but she was sorely missing her mother. She decided that she would try to track her down, and as she was preparing to leave the pack lands she scented Torin had already left. Was he trying to find her too? The small girl debated following him or going off on her own, knowing that if they went different ways they could cover more ground. But then what if she ran into someone big and that was mean? Or a bear!? Weren't they hungry at this time of year? She was certainly small enough to eat as a snack, so eventually she settled on following Torin.

She tracked his scent pretty far from pack lands, her small body skimming across the ground. Sure she was tiny, but she could certainly cover ground pretty quick. She had made it all the way to the North-east at one point and met some guy that had gotten all cuddly with her and told her stories, and he was huge! She was at the age now that she knew not everyone would be nice though. Bi-colored gaze would at last spot her brothers familiar gray form, and she would take the opportunity to try and sneak up on him. Tip-toeing her way behind him, she used her much smaller height to move through the tall grasses. She was well on his trail, so she was sure she could surprise him. Continuing her 007 tactic, Kairi made a small half circle around towards his left side until eventually, he was just a few feet away. Wiggling her butt the way a cat would before pouncing, she leaped the last few feet towards him and landed square on her paws in front of him. "Hey Tor! Watcha doin'?"

