
the thrill of the hunt

Aria I


07-02-2013, 09:06 PM
ooc: Don't mind at all. (:

Aria was glad that Liste had handled the feline, getting rid of a potential nuisance. But she was also a bit disappointed that she had gone after it alone, yes it was small but it was still dangerous. Cats had retractable claws, they could climb onto a wolf and attack their back where they couldn't reach, even cling to you when you tried to shake them off. She was proud of the ebony shewolf though, she saw a threat and took care of it, thinking of the pack, not wanting it to enter further into the lands and cause trouble.

She gave a nod of her head when Liste said she would keep her eyes and ears open from now on, good, Aria didn't want to lose a member to another large cat. It would be devastating. While examining the cat her ears swiveled at the sound of something moving in some nearby bushes, causing her forest green gaze to lock onto the area, only to find Ramelia coming through. She gave a dip of her head to the woman before pulling away from the dead animal, smiling when Liste told her she was scratched. That's good, scratches are easy to treat. Luckily for you I have some knowledge on herbs, we can find something for them.

When Liste began speaking to Ramelia, Aria took it as a good time to quickly look for a herb or two for her scratches. It would be good for the two to become friends or something along those lines since they were in the same pack, bonds is what kept it together. Off she went, stepping away from the two, walking a few yards to stand beside a bush, inspecting it.
