
What Hurts The Most


07-02-2013, 09:12 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:03 AM by Gael.)

Meili couldn't see him like this. She couldn't see him so broken and distraught. Guilt riddled his frame as he considered how he was making her feel at the moment, seeing him in the state that he was. He wanted to hide from her, to go somewhere and fix himself up, lock away the emotions that were crashing through him like the thunder up above, to go back to the Gael that she had been with for the past few weeks. But he couldn't find the strength to do it...He couldn't leave her like this, in the middle of the storm, not knowing what was going on with him. It would hurt her, that much was sure. He wanted her to know that he trusted her, and what better way than allowing her to see him in his weakest moment, even if it went against his very nature.

She was soaking wet, he could feel it as he pressed her against him, the rain pelting them both of them now. In a brief moment of thoughtfulness Gael pulled, using his chin to tuck her crown beneath his, shielding her face from the rain yet still keeping her close. He wouldn't used himself a living shield to cover her from the rain, but he couldn't find the strength to get any of his limbs to move. He would have to move her out of the rain soon lest she become ill. He couldn't handle her becoming sick because of his own stubborn stupidity. Her gentle voice caressed his ears, asking him what was wrong. Lids fell closed over cerulean gems, chin tucking Meili's head a bit close to him. My grandfather died today...I didn't know him very well. I'm not sure if I ever actually spoke with him, but I do remember having met him once or twice as a child...I never got to say goodbye Mei...I got there too late... Silent tears continued to trickle down his earthen cheeks, mixing with the rain that was still falling around them.

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