
Looks Are Decieving


07-02-2013, 09:32 PM
The ebony and russet lady smiled kindly at the male before her, catching the cuttoff in his voice as he introduced himself. Rum. What an interesting name this male had. Her bi coloured orbs caught his lack of eye contact, how he avoided looking at her. She tried not to be insulted, tried not to think he was avoiding her because of how she looked. Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Rum. What are you doing here? Am I invading a pack's territory or something? She asked, pleasant voice ringing through the air, ending with a nervous laugh. Her head spun around as she tried to sniff out the scents of a pack in the area, leathery olfactory sensor twitching wildly. When her cyan and evergreen gaze returned to the male, she tilted her head quizzically and waited for an answer. She couldn't sit still though, now she was on edge. Her last encounter with a pack had been terrible, nearly ending with the loss of her life. She shifted around restlessly, eyes moving like lightning to survey the area around them.

She settled after a while, her gaze moving to the stars as well, then staring unblinkingly at the moon, it's light making her entire ebony frame glimmer, and her eyes shine silvery white, reflecting the lunar surface. Her throat constricted with the sudden desire to let out a song, but she held it back, fearing she would only make the male even more fearful of being in her presence. Her chest felt heavy from holding it in, her lungs felt like bursting. With a sudden feel of abandon, she threw her soul into the air with a long, wavering note that trailed along the stars and weaved through the trees. The song was full of emotion; much sadness, a small amount of anger, barely a hint of fear. When her heart was light again, she looked back at the male and waited for him to respond to her outburst, her questions. A single red streak coming from her dark green left eye stood out against her black fur, trailing down her cheek, throat, meeting with the blaze on her chest. She hated the brilliant splash of colour, it gave her away when she was trying to hunt. Removing this from her mind, she continued to patiently await his responses.