
Stick Stickly

Marina I


7 Years
11-10-2017, 09:17 PM (This post was last modified: 11-10-2017, 09:18 PM by Marina I.)
Marina bristled as Regulus continued to speak. Of course… of course he’d have noticed… She broke her gaze away from his just as he finished speaking, both ears pinned to her head. “I won’t pretend that you could know, that you could understand my way of thinking… nor the darkness that lurks in my own being.” Marina’s voice was cold, far colder than it should have been. She didn’t even realize that tears formed in her eye. “I can’t look at them anymore, Regulus.” Her voice was a mixture of anger and sadness. “None of my children. All I see are their fathers… staring back at me.” Marina shook her head, as if to clear away the images that were stirring within.

“I thought I could forgive them… that I could accept their father’s sins were not their own…” Her voice grew colder. “But I can’t.” She shot her gaze up to the Celestian alpha, her gaze narrowed. “My initial intention was NOT to hurt them.” She wanted to add. “I chased Nova off… and when Chasm came close I…” Marina looked away again. “I am an unfit parent, Regulus. A broken wolf… who is on her own path to self destruction.” Marina shook her head.

“...and if you, our leader is noticing that… then that means I’m too far gone. I’m afraid… Though you’ve been very kind, I must take my leave of Celestial. If I’m willing to damn my own children then I shouldn’t be around them any longer.” Her mind was whirling, emotions stirring in every direction. She was fighting with herself…

“I can’t take this anymore… Regulus…” Her voice cracked. “I know I’m faltering… and I can’t be around my children when the end comes… I’m… I’m sorry.” She felt sick… angry, sad, and sick. What more could she say? She knew what her heart yearned to do… and if that lead her to her death then… so be it.

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]