
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
11-11-2017, 12:44 PM
Justice broke away from the battle with the larger, older alpha and stood panting and snarling, but it seemed that the fight had come to an end. At least, she was surprised to find herself at the end of her own endurance. She brought youthful energy to the fight, but she'd had very little practice in endurance and pacing herself yet, and in her enthusiasm she threw everything she had into both of her fights. And now? Now she was completely spent.

She had won - she knew she had won - but the distant sense of triumph and the satisfaction of righteousness achieved was no match for the exhaustion that pulled at her limbs. The wound from her fight with Fern had reopened, and oozed blood through the mud coating it to mix with the blood from the jaguar claw marks and drip to the ground at her paws. Her ear ached abominably, and though she would carry no bruises from either fight her muscles were trembling from the unaccustomed strain.

She heard a voice call out her name and turned her head with vague surprise to regard the slightly older wolf who seemed to be cheering for her. In her fatigue she couldn't quite pull his name up in her frozen brain, but she flashed him a tired grin, slightly ghoulish within her mask of mud and blood. She saw blood on his face too, but he was still standing and seemed ready for more... she hoped he got another fight. Sounded like he was as ready to send Talis packing as she was. Good for him.

The non-fighter medics would have set up close by, she thought - she should get herself there and her wounds treated before she passed out.

-exit Justice-