
What Hurts The Most


07-02-2013, 09:54 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:00 AM by Gael.)

He had to distract himself, he had to push these feelings away. He didn't like them. Not at all. He didn't like feeling useless, feeling the weight of his guilt bare down on him. He didn't want to feel like this. He wanted to be like he always was with Mei. Carefree, happy, unconcerned, like someone of his age should be feeling. He didn't want to wake up tomorrow with these feelings, to know that what happened tonight was real. He wished it was a dream, just a horrible nightmare that he would be able to wake up from. That tomorrow he would wake up and Cairo would be still be alive and the young Adravendi would still be able to talk to his grandfather, still tell him how much he meant to him despite not being blood-related. But that was too much to ask.

Mei huddled closer to him as he tucked her beneath his chin, pressing her smaller frame against his chest. A shiver racked his frame, the coldness of the water starting to seep through his thick skin as he readjusted his stance, using his body as physical shield as he put himself in the direct path of the pelting rain, shielding the smaller woman from most of the water. It felt good to protect Meili, even if it was just from water. He needed that. He needed her. Whatever forces had brought her to him that night, he thanked them all vehemently. He didn't know what he would've done with himself if she hadn't found him. She was keeping him sane, keeping the emotions from strangling him, from taking over. She was his rock at the moment, his emotional rock, just like he was being her physical rock.

He could feel her tongue against his chest, surprisingly warm in comparison to the cold pelting rain as she nuzzled him, burying herself deeper into his chest. He tucked his head against her, pressing her as much as he could into himself, eyes still shut tightly. He wasn't even my real blood grandfather, but he was my grandfather nonetheless...Thank you for being here for me my little woman... Affection laced his words as he hugged Meili, his words unable to convey the gratitude that he felt towards her for being with him during such a difficult time.

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