


07-02-2013, 10:12 PM
OOC: There is a posting order! Please allow Creedance to post and exit first, then Kaios to post and exit, followed by Kylar, the kids and anyone else may post once she is buried or whatever happens to her but please wait to the end!

Paws once more set themselves on Tortuga land. Toes flexed against the familiar feel of the rocky earth. Her pelt had dried from her dip in the springs, but a particular smell clung to ever hair on her pelt. Kaios. There was no mistaking it. Hell, she could smell him all over her. A slow smile tugged at her features. She couldn?t help it. It was still so shocking. Her encounter with the massive ebony beast. She still couldn?t believe what happened. Since when did she feel the aching need to give herself to him? Never. At least until tonight. It had been unforgettable, something that would haunt her thoughts for the rest of her life. She was still confused over the whole matter. What exactly had changed? She would probably never know. He consumed her thoughts, his sensual nips, gentle caresses, his pelt mingling with her own, his deep, husky voice

The winter night hadn?t lost it?s chill, seemly even colder now that she out of Kaios? embrace. Tonight though there was strange scent that clung to the breeze. It wasn?t uncommon for there to be wolves at the border this late, but to be so nearby and her not notice? That was uncommon. A growl formed in her throat, ears pinning against her skull, her chin tucking to protect her throat. Blue gems scanned the darkened landscape, no clear threat could be found, but he was out there. Ebony pelt bristled, eyes narrowing, her stance instinctively widened, and tail flagging out behind her for added balance.

Jaws parted to speak, but she never got the chance. A pallid shadow shot out from seemingly nowhere from her left, knocking into her with sudden force. The impact knocked the wind from her lungs, forcing a gasp to suck back in air. A snarl ripped from her jaws, fury burning in her eyes. She turned to lunge, prepared to defend herself, but it was too late. He was attacking again, his larger frame knocking her forcing away. Legs got caught in low branches of a bush, sending her tumbling to her side. Tucking her tail along her belly, jaws remained part, teeth bared, ready to grab anything that came near her.

It was in that brief moment that she got a look at her attacker. A look into deaths teal and golden eyes. His ivory face pulled back in a gruesome snarl, cruelty shining in his eyes. So this was it. She knew it. But that didn?t mean she was going down without a fight. His fangs connected with her flesh, a high pitched snarl that mingled with a yelp sprung from her jaws. Her fangs clicked together until they found purchase, jaws clamped down, head thrashing back and forth. She?d give him a little something to remember her by as she tore flesh from his body. Flesh was torn away, bones breaking, their sickening crack audible. Her hopes for survival pushed a howl from her lungs, ringing out for everyone to hear, putting the last of her strength into it, yet she called for only one. Kaios. Her defenses became weak, the snapping of her jaws less forceful, the strike of her claws hardly enough to break his skin. Muscles went limp, the only sign of life was her ragged breathing and her pitiful whimpers. The pain was unbearable, unlike anything she had ever felt. Her entire body burned, like she was on fire. Vision blurred, going in and out of focus.

The continued assault didn?t matter anymore. She was going to die. There was no possible way for her to recover from this. Kaios couldn't save her. Kylar couldn't save her. Not even the best healer could save her. Thoughts of her children plagued her mind. Kylar would take care of them. But they were all so young, she wouldn?t be around to see them finish growing up, to see their success as they climbed the ranks of Tortuga or whatever path they chose. It broke her heart. Minutes seemed like hours. She wanted to just die already. She wanted for the pain to stop, for fangs and claws to stop piercing her flesh, ripping her into pieces. Her breathing slowed, sides barely rising, vision blackened around the edges. So this is how she would die. Murdered.

ooc: She's not dead yet
"Talk here."