
Everything is Under Control

Katja the First


8 Years
11-12-2017, 06:23 PM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2017, 06:24 PM by Katja the First.)

OOC: Finnvi thread, for any family members interested

It had taken some time and care to return Katja to health from the skeletal wraith she had been when her daughters found her after her return from their homeland. She had yet to relearn how to hunt without her sight, but she had not been neglected, and she did not need to sight to indulge in that time honored meal of lone wolves everywhere - scavenging. Her children tended to drift without the structure Yfir had provided the family, even little Runa wandering on her own pursuits when she was not needed, but their shared blood always drew them together again, drifting in by ones or twos before they left once more. Still, she had great pride in them. They were something god-given, a gift to carry on her legacy into future generations, and they had been worth the sacrifices the gods had asked of her. Every one of them.

This evening - she knew it was evening by the change in temperature, the way the air seemed to get thinner and felt lighter and sharper against her exposed skin - they were very much on her mind as she made her way to the stream nearby to drink. This required a bit of doing, in part because she needed to make certain not to take more steps than required so she wouldn't step into the stream and get her paws wet - dangerous in this cold - and in part because it was already beginning to ice over when the night was coldest, and the delicate layer of ice would need to be broken before she could drink. Winter was coming quickly to the north, and with it would come very hard times for a blind loner. It never once occurred to her to consider migrating to the south, though. Katja was a northman to her very bones, as her family had always been, and pragmatic about her fate. If she died, she died, and there was no place she would rather lay her bones than in her snowy lands where she had raised her children beneath Yfir's banner.

There was ice on the stream tonight, but she delicately broke the crust with a dab of her paw and bent over it to drink.

"Talk" "You" Think