
We Will Meet Again


07-02-2013, 10:57 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:09 AM by Gael.)

His heart skipped a beat within his chest as she nuzzled him in return, allowing his eyes to close for a moment, simply savoring the feel of her touch. He never wanted to spend a moment away from her. She was the first friend he'd ever made and he wanted to keep her in his life for as long as he could. And who knew, maybe sometime down the road, they would perhaps become more than friends. Or maybe they wouldn't and they would just be life long friends. Regardless of what they became to one another, as long as she was a part of his life somehow, he would be happy.

The sincerity in her voice was impossible to deny, but just as he was about to speak, a new voice came from behind him. It was stern, the pitch familiar to the young Adravendi. Collision. His father. So he was back from Glaciem was he? The youth stepped away from Meili, turning around to face his father, using his larger body as a physical barrier to block his new friend from the piercing golden gaze of his parental figure, the gaze that was now telling the young man that this interaction was severely looked down upon. A frown creased his earthen brow as he looked towards his father, nearly standing at the same height, though his father still had several inches of him. Audits pricked forward with attention as his father questioned who his new friends was. Nape bristled, whip-cord lashing in agitation behind tawny haunches. Hello to you too father. He answered coolly, wondering just how much his father had seen of his interaction with Mei and just exactly what he'd heard.

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