
Everything is Under Control



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
11-13-2017, 08:14 PM
It'd been a long while since Ásvor had seen anyone in her family - and truthfully she had not seen her mother since she was quite young. Some time ago she'd ran into both Naudir and Ræsa, and though they'd discussed vague plans to travel to the north together nothing had ever come of it. Such was the way of fate, weaving itself in ways she could never quite understand nor did she particularly bother to. Such things were better left understood by wolves like her sister Alfrun, wolves who somehow had a grasp on a world beyond their own that she'd never quite had an innate ability toward.

Traveling to the north again to spend the winter in the lands of her youth was a plan that had been brewing in her mind for quite some time, and as soon as the temperatures started to plummet she headed north. Ásvor hadn't had the luck to procure anything to carry any herbs in, so her meager stash had been left behind, buried in a spot familiar to her but unlikely to be found by anyone else - not that they'd last the season, but she'd attempted to dry them out and hoped some might be left by the time she returned. At least it'd give her a reason to head back south someday, though she wasn't sure when that time might come.

The gods always seemed to have plans of their own for the Finnvi clan. It made sense for her to head to the Red Forest, a place as familiar as any to her even after all this time away. Somehow she had almost anticipated catching a hint of her mother's scent here, mingling with other familiar scents. Reuniting with her family was always less of a surprise than she expected it to be. It was hard not to feel as though she was being pulled along by some invisible string by some god whose name she did not know.

What did catch her off guard though was when she realized this gathering was larger than she'd anticipated - from a distance she spotted her mother's inky black coat, followed by three of her siblings, all lingering nearby. They were recognizable even in the dark, even from a great distance, and she made no effort to conceal the grin that brightened her features suddenly. She knew nothing of her mother's condition, though it would become slowly apparent as she easily closed the distance that separated her from her family. Returning once again to their mother, as though they were merely children again, was quite the thought. She was reminded of a common element in stories her mother had told her, that fate was cyclical, turning into itself rather than outward - perhaps that was why she wasn't surprised that they had all come together once again.

Her smile hardly faltered as she settled somewhere nearby them all, gaze turning to her mother. "Time has been kind to you, mother," she said simply, knowing that it was only because of their strong blood that her mother had survived odds that most would simply crumple beneath. Her gaze was impressed, rather than pitying. "And it seems it's treated the rest of you well too." Sky-blue stare lifted to seek each of them in turn, lingering on Alfrun last, wondered if she was more in this world or the other currently.