
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
11-14-2017, 11:07 AM
Seabound and Aimless at Best

No, it wasn't over.  Dómari felt yet another pang in his heart as Laisren went down… maimed.  He'd never experienced violence like this before, never knew he himself was capable of it. As he looked at the wounded, saw the blood on the field, of innocent wolves just defending their home from an alpha that had some stupid vendetta he had to drag everyone into a burning fury settled into his heart once again.  The alpha wasn't the only one to blame, there were also the scourge that followed him.  They were whores for violence and intent on drinking their fill of Celestial's blood.  Well, if they wanted violence so much by the spirits above they would get it!  Dómari focused his attention on Kharnage, one of the few Talis wolves left standing.  The Talis wolf attacking Regulus would regret it.  The idiot was going to get trounced pulling a stunt like that.  For now his concern was to finish this raid as swiftly as he could.  He glared at Kharnage.  This bastard was his.  Dómari's hackles raised as he sized up his opponent, his head and tail lowering to align with his spine as his legs spread equidistant apart, his limbs coiling and his weight settling evenly over them. They were similar in height and in build and he knew this was going to be a difficult battle

Dómari lunged straight for Kharnage, attempting to close the distance between them and approach the man directly head-on.  His weight would shift to his hind-legs which were spread a little farther than hip width apart, the knees bent and his weight carefully centered over them with his tail shifting out, parallel to the ground for extra balance.  His toes were splayed, the claws of his hind feet digging into the earth.  His abdominal muscles tightened to help aid his balance as he attempted to rear up and stretch out his forelegs in the hopes of flinging them around Kharn's upper neck, just below his jawline.  Dómari's left foreleg sought to  wrap along the right side of Kharn's neck, while the right foreleg sought to wrap around the left side.  His goal was to wrap his forelegs around the other man's neck in an attempt to limit the motion of his enemy's head.  Simultaneously, Dómari tried to ram the front of his chest into the middle of the underside of Kharn's neck, hoping to crash it into the man's trachea to cause severe bruising and maybe knock the wind out of him.

At the same time, Dómari rotated his head sharply to his left in preparation for a bite.  His ears pinned to his head, his eyes narrowed as his head dove forward for his opponent's face attempting to bite the man in a brutally violent hold.  He sought to bury his upper fangs in the man's right eye and his lower fangs in the left man's eye.  He was going to get revenge for Marina and Castiel and Acapella and Laisren.  If Celestial was going to loose good eyes then so would Talis and he didn't care if they both came from the same wolf.

Dómari vs Kharnage for MAIM (blinding of right eye)
Round 1 of ?
Height: 37"
Build: Heavy

Notes:  You may notice the disparity between Dómari trying to blind both eyes in his attack vs. the official maim to being only one eye.  I'm working on some character development with Dómari and his exposure to violence and, should he win, when the moment comes he won't be able to bring himself to do a full blinding.  That development will come later. Let me know if you have any questions!