
lost track of time and space



3 Years
11-14-2017, 11:24 PM (This post was last modified: 11-14-2017, 11:25 PM by Sathanus.)

Mammon's growl signalled her success yet again. "You sure you're not just mistaking your own rank, dusty pussy with mine?" The other girl snapped, as though that was at all something she cared about. A soft snort, and she rolled her eyes. Oh, dear Mammon. The taller girl was creeping ever closer, a serpent coiling to strike. This might get interesting. "And he'd certainly be free to try but he would never be able to overpower me. He may be all macho bluster but he knows who really calls the shots." Mammon continued. The epitome of pride, while simultaneously the most foolish creature to walk the earth. The bitch snorted again, flicking the tip of her tail. "Well, good for you." She quipped, shaking her head mockingly. Honestly, her sister was such a nuisance. Yet again, her sister had to keep talking. She talked far too much. "And unlike you I don't even need to dirty my paws, it's called being clever. You might want to try it sometime."

If she kept rolling her eyes like this, they were going to pop right out of her head. Sathanus couldn't even be bothered to laugh at her sister anymore. "Again, good for you. Personally, I like to get things done myself." She drawled, shrugging her shoulders carelessly. Swinging her head around, she squinted a little to examine the art on the walls in the low light. "To each their own, just like the incest." She said, knowing full well that Mammon was going to snap. Where would her con artist ways be then? Nowhere to be found, most likely. It would be hilarious, to make her eat her words moments after she had uttered them.

Walk "Talk" Think

Sathanus is an asshole with no morals who loves getting into fights. Plz know that Denny loves you and Sath's acts are nothing against you (the player) <3