
lone ranger riding in an open space [amon]



5 Years
Dire wolf

11-15-2017, 10:50 AM

Something inside Amon had stirred recently. The titanic man knew the time was nearer than ever for his family to begin what they had been long preparing for. Amon had sequestered himself in Auster for some time now, keeping an eye on the young ones and those members of the family who had arrived the aid them. Now was perhaps one of his final chances to scout the far lands before they embarked, and he meant to make the most of it.

Amon had formed a sort of reverence for this realm in his time there, for its vast and sweeping landscape which was never twice the same, to the obvious presence of his Fallen God and the spirits cast down alongside him. Yes, he knew of no others who had some so close to finding the ancestral lands they were promised. Amon was considerably deep in his thoughts, and as such did not realize how close he had wandered to the Devil's Spout. It gave only the faintest rumbles of warning before a rocket of water shot upwards into the sky with a 'Woosh!' Amon was duly startled, and back peddled with savage snarl. The phenomenon seemed to surprise not just him, but a bit of unexpected company as well.

On the geysers far side Amon caught sight of yet another spirit. They seemed to be surfacing in droves as of late, he reflected with keen interest. First the small blue creature, and now this one. Of course, this one was hardly the same. Amon sized her up with an appreciative eye. The woman was made of dark, swirling purples and indigos, magenta and lilac. She appeared as a night sky did when colored with the last vestiges of sunset. She could match Amon in size, which was not something the titan was often able to say. Yet again, his mind flickered to thoughts of his sister and whatever had sired her children. He offered the astral fae a dry smile and a quirked brow. "I suppose this was a lesson to always stay on our toes, hmm?"
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!