
Glaciem Meeting


07-02-2013, 11:32 PM
The dame sat beside her three children. The children that hadn't been planned or had she been oven a choice of...but Keki loved them dearly. She had a hunch that Yinerious had notice something or a difference. He was much like herself while his brother Pericles was sort of like their Aunt Maka; well when she used to be all giddy. And Kairos? Her troubled son...the looks of his father along with an impending attitude like him. The dame wondered what vile thing in his mind drive him to act in such a confused manner. It was as if he was stuck in a skin he did not belong in. The worried mother then came to know that her son and brother Cross had witnessed something gruesome as well. Only to hear from Kairos that he had charged at the attacker and got in a few small scratches before being swung away. And that's how he accumulated a tiny scar across the top of his muzzle when his face hit a tree. Hopefully the scar would fade in time as it heals more but at least it wasn't serious.

She wondered still why he chose fight rather than flight. His father sure didn't has he took his time and played with her like a toy. A shudder ran down her spine as she then felt Tberious nuzzle her. Keki leaned down and bent her neck to lick her son on the too if his head. She felt that she wasn't raising her three boys as well as she should be. But the dame was so busy and in time all would realize their difference from the others of not having a father like the other children. But the do have one...and it seems like Kairos has been up to findin more about the subject. With a sigh she turned to the dame who was now in rule before turning to her mother. Crusade then turned to make leave and take the family with her. Keki of course without a second thought knew she would be going with her family.

Her bi/colored eyes then settled on her sister. Tears brimmed Maka's eyes as the dame listened to her say she couldn't...couldn't what? Keki then watched as Maka stood up and gave her a small nod before saying she could. Worry and concern was portrayed on the wolf's face. Had er sister really been that distant that Keki had forgotten about her? Truthfully she had and she felt quite guilty about it. But as her sister went to their mother's side so did Keki as she tried to herd her own three pup along as well.