
Lost in a Different World



8 Years
11-15-2017, 09:14 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2017, 09:23 PM by Acapella.)

She had been fully healed up from the raid for a while now, but she had been struggling to cope. It had taken her time to get used to moving around and being able to figure out where exactly she was. Though she couldn't say she was fully comfortable with figuring things out. It was so much different without eye site and she was struggling with depression and even being able to sleep. Honestly she really didn't know what to do with herself especially since she was convinced hunting was far from her reach now. What purpose could she serve the pack? A question that she had been struggling to find an answer to.

Today she had decided to get herself lost, leave the pack lands to get out and hopefully find a way to distract herself. She knew he was mid day, the sun was high in the sky letting the sunshine cast down on her dark back. It felt good to feel the sun warming her back, it seemed like it had been ages since she had felt the sun, this autumn had been dreary and gloomy or so she had been told. It had been colder her leaving her with the feeling that this winter may be a rough one. Though she didn't want to dwell on what the winter may be like.

Her movements were slow, head hung low and she moved with caution taking her time to try and move with stealth, though she still really struggled with it. It was hard to move in silence when you couldn't see what you may and may not step on. This was her first time away from pack lands and the fresh smells lightened her mood and was making her feel better. It took her quite a while to reach the shore of the lake, but when she did she made sure she found the sunniest spot and settled down to sun herself for a little while her nose continued to take in the scents around her. Laying in the sun she relaxed with her head on her paws.

"Talk" & 'Think"