
Spooky Scary Skeletons



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
11-15-2017, 10:49 PM
Kanja mocked him then kicked off before him. Ash growled lightly, one side of his lip rising just enough to reveal his canine.

"Yeah, well, when you end up resurrecting the plague, don't come crying blood to me!" he called after her, though he continued to follow. He remembered how the plague smelled. He remembered how his mother had said she had caught the first plague when a woman with bleeding eyes attacked her. Kanja didn't know, but Ash did.

When she (finally) stopped, she stopped suddenly, causing Ashmedai to do an odd, twisty flip to avoid plowing into her back. Instead of crushing her, he toppled onto the ground, sliding in the sand. After he somewhat successfully avoided murdering Kanja, he looked up to see a.... whatever the hell that was.

It growled at them and Kanja growled back. Ashmedai stood up, his hackles rising along his back. She slowly, slowly put himself sideways in front of Kanja and between her and that thing.

"Kanja," he said, his voice a low growl. "I can probably hold this dude off for a while if you just go the way we came slowly, he probably won't go after you."

She shot a look back to Kanja, a smirk on his face.

"If I don't make it back, just promise me you won't cry too much."

He had always thought about dying in a battle all valiantly. If this thing didn't have the plague, he was sure it was some kind of other poison. Ashmedai wasn't totally sure he was going to make it out alive.

Not that the thing gave him much time to think about it. As soon as Ashmedai finished speaking to Kanja, he heard the loud stomps of the creature approaching. He swore they shook the ground. He growled, a smile rising on his lips and kicked off towards the creature.

Running in the sand was oddly difficult, but Ashmedai worked harder to keep grounded. As the creature got within range, Ashmedai jumped (yes, jumped) upwards and to his left to land a bite on the creature's shoulder, hoping its forward momentum would help to tear into its skin. Only a second before the two collided did ash realize that he REALLY did not wanna have a chunk of this thing in his mouth.

Oh well. Too late.

His teeth sunk into the creature and it screamed (Screamed? Screeched?) as the flesh on its shoulder tore away. It tore... too easily. Ashmedai was almost at the ground when he felt a needle sharp pain in his back right hip. He landed, twisting his head back to see the thing baring its teeth at him. It seemed to have only struck him, leaving moderate puncture wounds, but he was sure those weren't normal teeth. They felt too long and sharp. Ashmedai felt a shiver run down his spine. Yeah, he didn't wanna think about that thing's teeth piercing into him.

Ashmedai turned and readied himself for another attack.
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.