
What Hurts The Most


07-02-2013, 11:53 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2013, 11:56 PM by Gael.)

They made use of their legs as he led them towards the gave, giving the potential shelter a quick sweep, making sure there was nothing in there that could potentially harm his new friend before giving her the all the clear to head on inside. She didn't take another moment to think about it, ducking inside the cave quickly, Gael following her lead. It was instant relief to the young man as he moved inside of the cave, no longer under the attack of the pelting rain. He took a moment to shake himself, spraying water droplets all across the cave walls and floor, speeding up the drying process before he moved towards Mei, limbs folding beneath him as he dropped to the cave of the floor, allowing his spine to rest against the wall behind him, sighing with relief. He hadn't been so glad to be inside a cave in his life.

Meili wasted no time coming to side, folding her smaller frame against his own, nuzzling his shoulder as she rested her head across his forelegs, her tongue pressing a kiss to the leg closest to her, asking him if he was okay. A quiet sigh slipped past his earthen kissers, allowing his chin to drape across her nape. I guess...Things will probably be different back home now, but I'm going to live... He trailed off, allowing his eyes to close for the moment, forgetting about his grandfather's death, allowing Mei's soothing and comforting presence to envelop him, pushing all his worries and guilty feelings away.

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