
Lost in a Different World



8 Years
11-16-2017, 12:47 PM

The warm rays of sunshine felt so good against her back and it was hard for the women to stay awake and alert. Her ears gently flattened against her skull and a small sigh passed her lips. She pushed all her thoughts and her worries to the back of her mind, suppressing them so she could fully relax and enjoy the nice day. So far this season the days had been chilly, dreary, and damp so the change in weather was welcoming. She tried her best to stay awake, not to let herself slip into sleep and allow herself open to an attack, for all she new the Talis wolves were lurking and waiting to finish the jobs they had started.

It wasn't long before her ears, which were growing more sensitive towards sound, picked up the quiet approach of another. Her ears perked and swiveled back to better take in the sound, then the slightly familiar voice called out. For a moment she had to think who exactly it was approaching her, her nose twitching as she took in the air, but his scent didn't come to her until he was vary close to both her and the lake's edge. Lifting her head she shifted slightly before his scent began to invade her nostrils. It was the man she confronted not long before the raid, lingering close to their borders. He must still be doing the same in present day, but from their last encounter she knew he wasn't a direct threat towards the pack. She nodded slightly agreeing with his statement.

"You still hanging around I thought for sure you would have left by now." she smiled lightly, more friendly this time then the last.

She still remained with her face and muzzle pointed towards the lake, but her ears and nose constantly on the move, catching scents and sounds. She had long gotten over actually facing anyone unless she couldn't hear them real well, she was used to the fact there was no point since she couldn't see.Now that she had learned a member had been taken, a few gone missing would Regulus consider taking in more members? She figured since this male had been hanging around that he was somewhat interested in joining.

"Talk" & 'Think"