
Youth Gone Wild


11-16-2017, 03:38 PM

It'd been a little while since he'd seen his family. He was aware that he probably should have missed their presence more than he did, but in reality his solitude hadn't bothered him. He'd seen many fascinating things in the last few months and he didn't regret it one bit. Auster had many amazing places that he'd fully enjoyed, but it was the land bridge that had his attention right now. He was aware that there was more land past it, but he'd never actually crossed over. He'd wanted to on multiple occasions but he'd never brought himself to actually do it. While he hadn't seen his family in a little while, this would assure that he wouldn't see them for a very long time.

It was a tempting thought. There were more lands to go explore, many new things to see, and maybe a whole new set of bugs to look at. He'd grown accustomed to the creatures in Auster, there was always a chance that there would be more exciting ones he could study up north. Right? Still there was this thing in the back of his head that was telling him to stay put for at least a moment. He wasn't sure what exactly it was that was bothering him. Maybe if he sat here for a minute he'd figure it out.