
Write To Me & Escape


07-02-2013, 11:49 PM

Spring. The season that brought life back to the world. Snow and ice melted away, leaving behind the sleeping trees and grass that were hidden beneath them. Naked branches began to warm up to the sun and less frigid breezes, revealing fresh buds of leaves and potential flowers. Grass would become bright green again, cushioning the paws that explored the unknown areas of Alacritis. Birds could be seen and heard returning from other climates, eager to begin their twitterpated acts and make families for themselves. It seemed that everything was coming together in spring. What a marvelous season.
This was all that Aeil observed as she explored the lands surrounding her new home. Seracia was grand in size, 'tis true, but she was pulled towards the prairie for reasons unknown to her. She felt it was the right time to be there, so she trusted her gut and continued to explore. As she walked across the unfamiliar land, she felt warmth from the fresh grass. It rose into her paws and she couldn't help but happily bark and increase her pace.
"Spring is here," she happily sighed, smile evident across her once quiet features. Eyes dazzled with the sun's light as she looked around, taking in the details with more focus and excitement. At a brisk trot, she began to see the height of the trees that occupied the prairie, softly swaying in the breeze around her. Aeil closed her eyes for a minute and felt that breeze run its fingers through her stormy gray fur. Ohhh, what could make the beginning of her day even better?
