
What Hurts The Most


5 Years
Athena I
07-03-2013, 12:25 AM

Meili didn't press him any further when he said that he guessed he was okay. She could tell he didn't want to talk about it and she would respect that. If he did, she would be here for him like she always was. For now, she just wanted to focus on comforting him. She knew it was going to be a long time before he was really okay after such a trauma, but maybe she could help the process along.

Meili lifted her head just enough that she could tenderly groom the fur on his chest and neck. Her tongue ran through the soft fur, removing as much water from his coat as she could reach while straightening up his fur at the same time. Once she was done she rested her head on his legs again, smiling happily just from being with her best friend. If she was being honest with herself, he was not just her best friend, but her only friend. She cared deeply for her young man and wanted to take care of him when she could.

She felt deep in her heart that she loved this young brute and that feeling had grown so strong that she couldn't deny it any more. She knew he was a yearling, she knew their worlds were completely different, but she never wanted him to leave. She was terrified to tell him how she felt. She was afraid he wouldn't feel the same way and didn't want him to risk any of the relationships he had back in his pack or with his family in order to be with her if she did. Instead, she stayed silent, quietly hoping that one day they could really be together.
