
40 Days


11-17-2017, 02:27 AM

The sudden sound of a word spewed caught the males attention. Head shot up, ears turning towards the source as his head followed. Crystal blue eyes caught sight of someone on the ground. Nostrils flared for a moment trying to catch a scent, and what he found told him it was female. A loner. A stranger. He was a bit apprehensive, and it showed slightly in the way he was hesitant to approach. But what if... what if she was injured? The rocks here were slippery, enough to maybe sprain an ankle or twist a leg in such a way that it could be difficult to walk.

That was it. He couldn't just leave her there if she did happen you injure herself now, could he? No. Despite his reluctance to be around others given the situation he just escaped, he just couldn't bring himself to leave her. He could at least check on her, if anything. The youth decided to move towards her, carefully picking his way across the shoreline until he was close, but not too close. "Hey, are you uh...alright?" His voice was soft spoken, concerned. If she was okay and wanted him to go away, then he would. But not until he made sure she was okay first.