
And so it begins


07-03-2013, 12:26 AM
The blonde warrior slid the rest of his body out of the water. His mismatched colored legs a huge contrast against his pale fur. He gazed at the she-wolf, still awed by her blue mane and red eyes. She looked like she should be feared, but to be honest he wasn't afraid at all. In fact, she looked kinda cute. Grinning, he walked over to her. Steam rising from his body where the cold water met his warm skin. "A pack huh? Are you in a pack now? Or are you waiting till you get enough saps before leaving to start one?" He replied humorously, laughter dancing in his deep blue eyes. He sat down, scratching behind a pale ear before licking water off his muzzle. The air didn't feel as cold as it had like previous days, perhaps Spring was finally peeking over the horizon.

The young man stood, shaking out his pelt free of the icy water. Causing his fur to puff out like a shaggy dog. Or like a blow dried kitten. "Tell me, where exactly am I anyway? You can probably tell I'm not from here, if my way of talking doesn't give it away, or the fact that I sit in ice cold water, then I don't know what else does!" He grinned again.