
Lost in a Different World



7 Years
Extra large
11-17-2017, 07:38 PM

Even the pleasant weather did little to disrupt his slightly sullen mood. Winter would be upon them soon, but he had lived in far harsher lands - this was just another day to him. At least, it had been, until he'd caught whiff of Acapella's scent. His mind was set on getting information out of her now, to know that Domari and Alarik were as well as they could be, and to figure out what had happened with Celestial to cause so many injuries. Surely if it was anything too serious, anything that the Xanilov boys needed help with, that they would've found him - though he supposed they were more men now than boys, and that they could fend for themselves.

He wore no smile as he drew closer, but his voice professed a touch of warmth that made certain his good intentions. Diarmuid noted that she hardly turned to him, her head lifting slightly but never swiveling, though she nodded in acknowledgment. "Me? Leave?" Diarmuid snorted in amusement at the prospect. Where would he go, if not somewhere at least one Xanilov resided? Returning to Old Ebony seemed so far behind him now. "You must not know much about me." His tone was far from accusatory, though wasn't quite playful either. If anything, Diarmuid was dedicated to the core - he'd spend his life waiting, if that was what was required of him.

As he drew closer, he realized the extent of her injuries were worse than what he'd originally thought. A slight frown of concern tugged at his lips, his nose wrinkling as he tested her scent as squinted to get a better look at her features. She didn't smell as someone freshly wounded would, yet she clearly wasn't fully well, either. "Your sight," he offered tentatively, noting the way she remained facing away from him with her eyes closed. It wasn't at all typical behavior for a wolf. "Has it been taken from you?" Perhaps whatever had befallen Celestial had been worse than he'd anticipated.

"Talk" "You" Think
Name is pronounced deer-mid