
Basically Flawless [Kas]


11-17-2017, 11:58 PM
At last, she was closing in. She'd met one of Pyralis' brood and she was both surprised and pleased. Surprised because she had never been able to imagine Pyra with kids, pleased because the Abraxas blood was growing and spreading into the lands. She'd done lots of exploring and wandering since her arrival, coming across many wolves and even detecting the presence of packs in the lands. It was interesting to say the least, but what those packs were like, she didn't know. She didn't really bother investigating closer, instead choosing to survey and watch from a far. She wasn't as large as Amon or most of her family, and getting into a fight wasn't exactly on her bucket list. The last thing she wanted to do was travel alone with injuries. It would have made it that much harder to locate her family.

On that thought, her maw twisted into a grin when the winds shifted and brought her an all too familiar scent. She hurried further into the canyon, noticing the air was growing thicker with the scents of her kin. Tail wagging, she scaled the trails until she spotted him, her eyes brightened with delight and a bounce came into her step as she carefully and eagerly made his way towards him. "Amon! Long time no see, how have you been dear brother? My it's been a while hasn't it?" She stopped before him, her grin remained. Boy, did she have a lot to tell him!