
What Hurts The Most


07-03-2013, 12:35 AM

She said nothing after his confession, simply lying against his forelegs quietly, absorbing his words. He was glad that she didn't press the subject. He wasn't too keen on talking about it anymore. It was bad enough that it had happened; he didn't need to keep talking about it and bringing it up. For now at least. He knew keeping it bottled up inside of him wasn't the best thing, but for now that's where it would stay. Later on, maybe tomorrow, maybe weeks from now, maybe even months or even years, he would let it all out. But for now, he preferred to keep it bottled inside. He didn't want to talk to Meili about his deceased grandfather anymore. He didn't want to be sad around her. She was such a happy person that he hated being like this around, bringing her down. It just didn't feel right to have her feeling like this. It was unnatural and Gael didn't like it.

He could feel her lifting her up and so the brute released his hold on her, lifting his own crown, wondering why she was lifting her head when her tongue lashed across his lower neck and chest. Goosebumps rippled across the yearling's skin at her touch, lids falling closed over cerulean gems as he enjoyed the grooming from his friend, a content rumble vibrating in his massive chest, a smile curling his kissers. Her tongue disappeared several moments later, her crown returning to its former position across his forelimbs. Lids peeled back as he lowered his head, salmon tongue lashing out against the crown of her head, taking long, sweeping strokes up her ears as he returned the favor, trying to take away as much moisture from her fur as possible in an attempt to speed up the drying process. Once he was satisfied Gael allowed his chin to rest atop her nape once again, a content sigh slipping past his closed lips. It felt just to enjoy his new friend's presence, even in stormy weather like this.

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