
It's a Scary World


11-18-2017, 02:48 AM
He gave sin a blank stare. While angry and confused because after all this time finally here was his father before him to answer him why, yet he wasn't truly there. At his father's use of his old name he gave a snort. His tone came with venom as he corrected the man that had given him a weaklings name "Rikeros, dad, Draven died long ago." he heard his father's question and gave a laugh. Like he actually cared what happened to that sweet little innocent boy. The boy that he never intended to allow to be anything. He was just the son of Sin's mistress. Enigma was the true heir of Hellstrom, yet where was he? Sitting on his lazy ass doing nothing.

"I went back to try to help, stupid as I was back then. Got myself kidnapped, taken to some bastard's play house where he trained me to kill or be killed in a fighting ring. Finally got out and killed the fucked not to long ago though. Then I get my ass whooped by Enigma because he can't handle a little name calling." he laughed at that. Out of them all, enigma wore the bitches crown. Forsaken was a psychopath that fell down some rabbit hole somewhere and hadn't emerged since. Ganta was a loser and a lost cause. He hadn't hung with paradox yet. And ganta's kid was as good as his.

Speaking of Which. His eye went to Philly and he gave her a hard stare. "Still can't stay where your put huh? Well while your here might as well come show yourself off to your grandfather." he looked back to sin to give him a nod if Philly's direction. Then quietly stated to him before she could join him, "Took that one off Ganta's paws, been turning her into a true Hellstrom. He only told her of the Lore side."