
Gravity Of You



6 Years
11-18-2017, 01:33 PM

An ear flicked toward the male jaguar as a growl left him. A smirk danced along the edges of her lips as she eyed it up and down. "Aww, does the kitty not like my jokes. I'm offended." She feigned a look of hurt for a moment before his feline companion took a few steps forward and spoke. Still nothing from the male yet, but so far it seemed like the felines were doing a fine job of interrupting. Oh this was going to be so much fun. "My, my, aren't we testy? But tell me, what is a King in the face of a God?"

Of course now this begged the question as to who this male really was. Was he a self proclaimed king of nothing? Or did he just happen to be the alpha of the pack here in the southern lands. He did reek of a pack, but that certainly didn't make him its King. Of course she wouldn't complain if he was - it would make her day more entertaining to say the least.

Her attention was fully on the earthen colored king now as he talked down his companion. "Ooh manners, I like that in a man." He seemed so calm and confident. Could she shake that composure with some flirting? She listened as he introduced his companions and himself and a soft chuckle escaped her as he announced himself as the Jaguar King. After seeing him and the felines it seemed very fitting for him - that much was true.

"Very well, you've earned my name." She said with a wink. "Anamalech Abraxas, the moon child." Since they were giving themselves titles now she figured she might as well show off. Moon Goddess was definitely more appropriate but she felt as though she'd already established that. Besides, if he didn't know he wasn't looking at a God then there was no point trying to shove it down his throat. You couldn't fix stupid after all.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]