
Could you come and change me?


11-19-2017, 04:55 PM
The morning had barely come and Felicien had returned back to the South after his visit to Auster. His mind was still working, pressing him onward. His paws lead him almost aimlessly, though the man knew exactly where he was heading. It had been a little while since he’d seen Mara and Ruthger’s children… and he wanted to stop in and check on the two. His expression, as it often was, was unreadable as he walked, ears perked to carefully listen to the sounds of the world around him. To think… that soon he’d be hitting the big ten… heh. Funny how fast life could slip past you before you even realized it.

He had come to the Range, gaze scanning the horizon as the sun began to kiss the Earth. A brow arched as the man caught a dark coat moving near the strange red thing… A barn it was called, though to Feli it was just a sad excuse for a den made by two legs long ago. But he was sure he knew that coat… the coat of young Amos, was it not? Felicien decided to investigate further; surely his eyesight wasn’t failing him yet. Paws lead the old soldier onward, silver-gray gaze holding just a tad bit of amusement within them.

If it was Amos… what was the young one doing up and around already?