
Never looking back



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
11-19-2017, 06:20 PM
The slight smile she wore twisted into something more like a grin, clearly quite proud of Valdis' outcome. The state of the rest of the wolves that had participated mattered little to her - though she hoped her friend's packmates had fared decently too, for her sake if nothing else. "Congratulations on that," she acknowledged, her eyebrows lifting slightly, clearly impressed. Obviously she had done well for herself within Talis, and though Ásvor couldn't help but feel vaguely envious of the fact that she'd found a place to fit in, she was mostly just happy for Valdis.

She seemed to agree to her idea, and Ásvor nodded gratefully. "Rest for a bit, then. I'll be back," The Finnvi woman offered a gentle smile toward her before turning and bounding off, determined to find something to help her.


She wasn't gone for too long - though it was a touch longer than she'd hoped. Ásvor navigated toward the eastern edge of the grove, toward the edge of the dam. Herbs were always more plentiful near water, so it was a natural inclination to head there in search of something. After a bit of searching she found a meager patch of yarrow, slightly wilted from the changing temperatures, but still something could work with. Gingerly she gathered a few stalks of the plant and headed back to where she'd seen Valdis last.

"This.. is a start," Asvor offered, sounding a bit apologetic as she dropped the flowers at her paws. The wounds weren't fresh enough to need direct application, but this might help regardless. "If there's any chance of a fever setting in - from infection from your wounds, or anything like that - this should help. I'd chew on a few of the flowers for awhile. It won't taste great but," Asvor shrugged, knowing Valdis had likely dealt with much worse than a nasty taste in her mouth. She didn't hesitate to move around the other woman, examining her injuries a bit more closely now.