
It's nobody, just Nobody


11-20-2017, 01:02 AM

Well she hadn't been this far west - that much she was aware of. It'd been some time since she'd seen any family of hers, but that was okay by her. Even from a young age she was aware of how her family wasn't exactly normal. Hell, she wasn't normal, and she wasn't talking about the odd colored coats that she and her siblings had. Their insatiable wanderlust and lack of a need to be close to each other all the time was what was probably odd. Not that she'd had much experience with what was normal in a family, but she was pretty sure she and her siblings shouldn't have left as early as they had in their lives. She'd left home since before she was a year old. She didn't mind it though - she'd gotten to experience so much at a young age.

The field the small woman found herself in probably would have been beautiful in the spring or summer, but instead the grasses were dried out and crunchy. Still she treated the adventure as though she was having the best time of her life. In reality every day was the best time of her life. She had no emotional attachments to any one or anything and she could wander where she wanted whenever she wanted. How great was that?

She traveled for a little bit longer before something colorful caught her attention. Well it was partly colorful at least. She recognized the colorful being to be a wolf and she studied the darker parts of him before bright blue eyes rested on the colorful parts of him again. She padded over with a grin on her face and no sense of restraint whatsoever.

"Hi there, my name is Amethyst. You're very pretty, are you related to the Elementas family? Our family has colorful coats too, but not quite so rainbow-ish like yours." Her mouth moved a mile a minute, but it didn't occur to her that she might overwhelm him.

Walk, "Talk" Think