
To Infinity and Beyond


07-06-2013, 09:41 PM
She watched his simple dismissal of her apology, the smooth wave of a massive wing. He seemed to care not for names, given his outburst. Clearly this massive flying beast was hungry, so Udosa began trotting towards the massive island, now only interrupted by another, smaller land mass. So she leapt into the brisk water, powerful muscles pumping through the shallower aqua and to the other island with much more ease. Pausing for but a moment to take a deep breath, Udosa sprinted across the sands, once again leaping into the sea in search of a meal.

Once her paws touched the sand again, the woman was off, racing through the dense, shaded forest with her nose to the air in search of something to eat. A faint trace of deer caught her attention, and she began bounding towards the scent until she could hear snuffling ahead. Her lean, black body lowered to the ground, moving like a shadow towards the unsuspecting ungulate. Before she broke into view, she tensed her thick muscles, and sprang through the air. The cervine creature was small, just barely smaller than Udosa herself. It's spine cracked under her weight, legs buckling. The pale brown doe crashed to the ground, finished off before it could suffer by a swift crushing bite to the neck by the obsidian wolf.

She tore off a hind leg violently, gripping the ankle in her mouth and shaking her head vigorously until the joint made a faint popping sound and the flesh ripped apart. Dragging the prize off a bit, she left the remainder for the giant avian to pick off what it desired before Udosa ate what was left. Her teeth sank into the still warm flesh, removing chunks and devouring them quickly. She was hungry after her long day of swimming and trekking, so the food provided by the deer was welcomed.