
And if I die?



8 Years
Athena I
11-21-2017, 02:29 AM
She had reconnected with her brothers, she had seen her father, but she still couldn’t keep herself from searching until she found some sign of Heather. Maybe her father and brothers would have some other kind of reaction to Fiori’s demise, but her main consern was making sure that Heather was okay. Every once in awhile she would think back to the day that Heather snapped at her... the day that she had kept as a secret to herself. Maybe if she had told Leo or even tried to see if Heather remembered that time things could have been different. Maybe she could have helped her. Instead she was afraid to call her sister out and now here she was, walking through the remains of their old home again. Even though she had Dragoste to tend to and Philomena to worry about she still made the time to check for her sister.

Just when she was about to turn back toward home with a defeated sigh, she heard the faint sound of a growl in the distance and her ears perked up to listen. Despite her better judgement she slowly walked in the direction of the sound and was stunned by who she saw. Her sister was barely recognizable with the terrible condition she was in, but Roza knew without a doubt. After all, Heather was her only sister. They may have never been that close, but they were blood. “Heather,” she said simply as she walked over to her, happy to see that she was alive but saddened all the same. For a moment she didn’t know what to say. She wanted to ask what had happened, but she didn’t want to push her if it had been some terrible circumstance. She didn’t want to throw blame or point fingers. She just wanted to care for her sister. “Come to Dragoste... If you want to I mean. Even if it’s just to get cleaned up and get back on your feet. We don’t have to talk about... all of this if you don’t want to.”