
Kurt's Player Den



4 Years
11-21-2017, 08:23 PM

Hey there it's Kurt, I know I have a lot of plotters before but I think this will be my permanent one. Before you continue I'd like you to know that I am almost open to any and all plot suggestions. Some of my characters may be mentally ill, and others may have plots open for some dark themes. I enjoy the dark and nasty - the pain and everything. So if there's a plot that you want to come forward with and it might be a little unothridox go for it. don't be afraid though, if you see a character you want to plot with that they're generally... aggressive? Just let me know and I'll honor your wishes for them being mild for that thread. I'm also open for cuddles, romance is sort of something I'm a sucker for.

Hailey Time | Female | 3 years | Lirim | Single(Heteroflexible)

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Hailey is the most energetic, kind hearted wolf you will come across. She's super kind to a fault and it's an easy way to take advantage of her. She's not nearly shy, she's out going and generally fearless until a situation gets a little sticky. She has a snowy owl companion who goes by the name of Shiva. She's currently a healer for Lirim.

Looking For
Abusers?(She's easily taken advantage of I'd really want to see what would happen if someone tried to use her one way or another.)

Heather Adravendi | Female | 3 years | Loner | Single(Bisexual)

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Heather has Boderline Personality Disorder and in which case has blown up over the last few seasons. Her symptoms include disassociating herself, unable to cope with her emotions, and the fear of rejection/abandonment even if it isn't there. There's a few others that go along with it from my research so it may not be a perfect representation of the mental illness but I try to play her true. She's a very sweet character - she cares deeply about the lives of others and is a very leader like wolf. At the moment she's struggling with her emotions and the recent let go of Fiori but she is hoping to rebuild it if she can get her head on straight. Currently, she's starved and just looks tired so be aware of that when you thread with her!

Looking For
Friends (Very much needed)
Lover(Female or male, doesn't matter to me. This I want to push a bit, if it is a male..... BABIES)
Followers(Old fiorians and new alike Heather's gonna be looking for reliable members soon enough. Jackson is most likely going to end up being her king/second in command for the time being unless another plot comes along.)
Healers(to take a look at her mental state)
Note: Fiori may or may not have the same name, Heather's gonna have to interact with her dad for that.

Ochitsu | Male | 1 year | Celestial? | Single

Click for Profile(May be outdated until further notice, information below is more accurate)

Ochitsu is a nearly silent(mute) young male. He hasn't been seen since the beginning of the raid because he's gotten lost and couldn't find his way back to his family. He's begun to show signs of his mental illness of Schzophrenia. He's developing voices in his head and also see's things that very much could not be there. He's a rather innocent and shy individual, I do plan on posting him back to celestial but in the end that'll be up to regulus. Ochitsu has a strong sense of justice, but he is easily spooked and when spooked he can get aggressive and lash out without thinking. His words are few and far between so don't expect them from him.

Looking For
Teacher/Mentor(For fighting)

Shiloh Treestone | Male | 4 years | Loner | Taken

Click for Profile(Also currently outdated, information below is more accurate)

Previously nicknamed Mr. Murder. Shiloh is responsible for Ritsy(Faite's former friend) death among his entire care taker clan in his childhood. Shiloh was raised as a fighting machine, a creature to be the perfect soldier only when his abuse backfired and he went on a rampage. When he first arrived in Boreas he believed that it was his destiny to kill everything and anyone he came across. Until.... he met pyralis. He'd never met a wolf with such size before and how big she was he was dumbstruck. Because of this he's he thought his purpose in life and is trying to turn over a new leaf to stay with his boyfriend Spider who was previously his slave. Note Shiloh sometimes speaks in the third person, he also does not have a good grip on others emotions and can very easily speak out about aggression and snap. He's still very much got murderous urges but he's working on them.

Looking For

Rex Lavender | Nonbinary(They) | 4 years | Loner | Taken

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Rex is a bomfire kind of wolf. They are aggressive but not neccesarily mean, generally they are very level headed and thoughtful of others. They are a interesting wolf to have a conversation with, even more so to have a nice friendly spar. They'll most likely be sticking around dragoste and what not what with being fated to be with Alfred. However, their siblings will be adopted out and Rex can always do with a good plot! Feel free to read their profile to get a look at their personality.

Looking For
Any other idea's

Alyx Grimoire | Male | 3 years | Loner | Forever Single

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Alyx is a little bit of an uncouth male, his goal in life? It's to spread his gene's to whoever and whomever he can. Need a one night stand? He's your man. Alyx is not neccesarily a chaotic evil he's not out to harm others but he is out to charm, and spread his love to all men and women in the world. Alyx believes himself a god, he's a cocky sweet talking male with no interest in settling down. So have at him.

Looking for
