
Snowy Paw Prints


07-03-2013, 02:04 AM

Ah, Syrinx. The feelings they shared were strong, their intimacy undeniable; when the rest of the world would turn their back on the dame, her brother would always be there to support her. There was no denying his power, his endless abilities, his magnificence. Though as the banshee stalked, monitoring loosely the boarders of her new kingdom, it would be the sprinting red chassis in the near distance that would guide her nostrils to the acknowledgement of a trespasser. Immediately the youth was aware of what would unfold, unlike herself, Syrinx had endless energy to spare for thrill-seeking; he would happily spend hours, hell- days bringing the world down around him. The queen, on the other hand, would face only the challenges that brought themselves to her door, and in her accounts the young male that had foolishly crossed the vague borders of Glaciem was not an immediate threat.

But unfortunately the strangers luck was low that day, he had been discovered by the wrong Alpha, and although Eos had faith in her sibling, in her mate, to do the right thing; she wouldn?t count on him to spare the feeble life of a potential threat. So with a new purpose to the ladies gait, the sovereign would start at a resolute trot; the half-hearted objective to potentially spare a beast its health persistent in the backdrops of her youthful awareness. Upon arrival it seemed Syrinx had already attempted to force the poor creature into a state of submission, his sickening jaw twisting into that plotting smirk of his. She would cease her pace a few metres from the pair, tail held in level confidence to her spine as she addressed her partner, ?I hope you don?t plan on eating all our guest?s for lunch, Syrinx.? It was a mild suggestion, perhaps to ease his daunting pressure, but there was no saying what the determined fiend would do. Emerald gaze lowered to the intruder, hoping quietly on his behalf that he would act wisely. Glaciem could be a home to those with a brain on their shoulders, but there was no room for fools.