
New Beginnings



3 Years
11-23-2017, 12:21 PM
The air burned her lungs with every breath that passed through her nose and down her throat. The frosted plains grass crunched quietly under the steady beat of her stride. It was the darkest time of the night not a single ounce of light, save for the stars and the small slice of moon that hung in the sky, illuminated the vast expanse of plains. Riddle had been wandering these lands for a few weeks now, unsure of how to proceed. She knew nothing of joining packs or what traditions these peculiar wolves might hold. Riddle did not understand the customs of this new land, yet from what she gathered they lived together in harmony (most of the time at least) with individuals of both genders. Riddle was not naive she had been taught many history lessons while with her home pack and knew that it was common for packs to consist of both male and female wolves. However hearing about it and seeing it done were too completely separate things. The wolves that populated this land seemed to be rules by their passions and wanton desires, there seemed to be very little structure other than the hierarchical pack systems. It was such a foreign concept to her, the idea of taking something for ones self simply because one desired it. Back home everything was shared, no one went hungry and their were rarely unplanned physical altercations, and if a fight did break out it was quickly dealt with. 

Thoughts of home pervaded her mind and a wash of homesickness spread through her rapidly. Solara who had been her best friend and constant companion for the last three years was now only a distant memory. Riddle had left her knowing full well that she would never be able to see or contact her sister ever again and the pain ate at her heart. Solara and Riddle had been as close as two siblings possibly could be, they had done everything together, but Solara had felt her fate was to remain with their pack and Riddle felt her destiny was to leave, so they had parted ways. As the melancholy grew deep with in her, Riddle climbed to the top of a small rise in the plains and threw her head back and sang. Her song was filled with loneliness, yet it also spoke of an inner strength and quiet determination that would not be easily thwarted. Riddle was eager to learn all she could about this strange way of life and the only way to do that was to put herself out there. 

As the last notes of her clear, sweet haunting song faded into the shadows of the deep night she stood on the hillock her dazzling white pelt in stark contrast to the darkness that surrounded her. Her deep intelligent green eyes watched everything that moved nothing escaped her gaze. Anticipation began to buzz slowly in the pit of her stomach. This was the beginning of the rest of her life and what a life it was going to be. As she sat alone at top the small hillock she looked to the stars which had been her most faithful traveling companions for so many months and for the first time in a long time felt that she was right where she was suppose to be.